
SysRanger Server and Probe applications are standalone applications runnings as service.
SysRanger Server 0.1.120
SysRangerServer is the main monitoring application that monitors all hosts and applications. Server application can be used in agentless mode. If you want to get more metrics from hosts probe (agent) application needs to be installed on host machines that will be monitored.

Server Windows Install

Download the following file and unzip to a folder that you want to install the server application. Then run windows_service_install.bat to install windows service.
SysRanger Server

Server Linux Install

- open terminal
- create a directory that sysranger server app to be installed ( e.g /usr/apps/sysranger/server)
- run the following commands

Install script will download application files into the current directory and install the app as service that will run the app on startup.


Open http://localhost:8100 with your browser to run server user interface.
Default administrator user name and password is admin - admin.
SysRanger Probe (Agent) 0.1.141
SysRangerProbe is an agent application that will collect information from a host and sends the data to SysRanger server.

Probe Linux Offline Install

Download offline linux install package and copy to a folder (eg. /usr/apps/sysranger/probe);
SysRanger Linux Probe Offline Install Package
- run the following commands

Probe Linux Online Install

- open terminal
- create a directory that the probe to be installed ( e.g /usr/apps/sysranger/probe)
- run the following commands

Install script will download probe application files into the current directory and install the app as service that will run the app on startup.
The service will try to find SysRanger server app to connect. If the server is not found, use console menu configuration to manually specify server address.

Probe Linux Configuration Menu > Run this script to reach console menu.

Console Menu:

Stop > Stop probe service and kill the process.
Restart > Restart probe service.
Remove Service > Stop and uninstall the service.
Install Service > Re-install and activate the service again.
Update > Update probe app directly from internet, then restart the service
Status > Show status of the service.
View > View real-time log output of service. (Ctrl + C to exit)
Configuration > Setup server host address (If probe cannot find the server on the curent network)

Probe Windows Install

Download portable zip file ; (64 Bit) (32 Bit)
and unzip to any folder you like (e.g. C:\apps\sysranger\probe)
Run SysRangerSetup.exe to configure server address and install probe service. Once the service is installed, the probe will start at startup automatically.
Run "SysRangerProbeViewer.exe" to see the status of probe service.
Run "SysRangerProbeUpdate.bat" to update probe app.

Download Installer;
Probe Windows 64 Bit Installer
Probe Windows 32 Bit Installer